Japan Leads in Recycling Plastics

You want to say good job. It appears that Japan is the foremost plastic recycling nation in the world.

According to PSFK, “At 77%, Japan’s plastic recycling rate is about twice that of the UK, and well above the 20% figure for the US, which still depends largely on landfill, according to institute spokesman Takushi Kamiya. One major driver has been the lack of space for landfill close to crowded and sprawling metropolitan areas.” (psfk – Recycling in Japan)

Everywhere you go,  you do see recycling bins next to almost every vending machine which dot all landscapes. That’s just for the PET bottles (which are also changing little by little to being 100% recyclable), but there’s still room for improvement for the household plastics, and everywhere you go in Japan, you’ll see plastic.