Giant Robot 2 Robots: Louise Chen

Louise Chen and Squirrel Scouts at Artcycle last month 

Louise Chen spent months curating, “We Are All Animals”, featuring artist friends from the Bay Area and Los Angeles. This is the second group show that’s come out of it and the third one will be held in Los Angeles next year. Right now, the show lives in a gallery in Santa Cruz called Felix Kulpa Gallery and winds up on October 30th. Her piece for the Robots exhibition is a print called Gallant and is available here.



Chen is also a bicycle enthusiast and can be seen riding a self made tall bike. “My girl bike gang is called Squirrel Scouts and our main goal as a collective is to educate ourselves and others on how to do anything or make anything. A lot of us have a background in art or fabrication, so we have a lot of skill sets to share. We also make merit badges to put on our vests for when we learn different skills from each other, some of which are: welding, screen printing, gardening, dress-making, etc. We sometimes have pop-up shops at festivals where we sell our goodies and bring sewing machines to make things on-site!”


A view of the gallery in Santa Cruz with the We Are All Animals show set up.

Here is the Squirrel Scouts etsy:
Here is my etsy:
My website:
and my blog: