Hawaii HIFF Day 1

Hawaii from above. Flying in, it’s great to see the green hue of the water. It’s like visiting another country. I often refer to the continental US as America, but then what’s Hawaii? It’s a bad habit, but it’s that different. In fact, Asians can often grow up here without the same racism that exists in “America”. I’m here for HIFF, the Hawaii International Film Festival where I’m on the jury for best feature film. Here’s a few highlights from day 1. Of course, jumping into the water early in the morning before most are awake and seeing the sunrise, is the way to go. I do this daily.

There’s Goh Nakamura, Anderson Le, Gary Chou, and David Boyle. Their screening took place sunday.


50 Years of Rainbow Drive In. So good, so happy. Here’s a food post from a previous trip there. It’s a great local place.


From high above. That’s Waikiki.


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