Flatness! Exhibition by Flat Bonnie and Select Pieces from the Giant Robot Room Honolulu Museum of Art Contempo #artshop


Exhibition by Flat Bonnie and Select Pieces from the Giant Robot Room Honolulu Museum of Art Contempo #artshop

Giant Robot 2 - 2062 Sawtelle Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90025 424-2go-robo www.gr2.net

August 8 - 26th

Reception Sat August 8th 6:30-10pm

The explanation is simple. The world of Flat Bonnie is landing at Giant Robot 2. Alongside the thunderous array of plush, will be works that have come back from from the "Giant Robot Room" at the Honolulu Museum of Art. 

Rob Sato, Yoskay Yamamoto, Luke Chueh, Shizu Saldamando, Amy Sol, kozyndan, Ferris Plock and more.