Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

It’s a list. 54 in all. Of course it’s a starting point missing plenty including ex football players, Onch, visual artists, writers, and more? This list is littered with fashion, glam, and more. Are these really the most influential as the title suggests? We’re calling it a good effort list. (Huffpo – LGBT Asians) That’s the Captain!
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But edited by Buzzfeed. • Eighty-two percent of Asian Americans are overall satisfied with their lives, while 75 percent of the general public is. • Among Asian Americans, 51 percent said they were satisfied with their personal finances, versus 35 percent of the general public. • Asian Americans are more likely to have college degrees: 49 percent do, while 28 percent of adults do. • They also make more: Asian American households have a median household income of $66,000. The median for U.S. adults as a whole is $49,800. • The report cites media favorite Priscilla Chan, Mark Zuckerberg’s new wife, as an example of the 37 percent of “recent Asian American brides” who married non-Asian grooms. Read the rest: (Buzzfeed – Asians)
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The coolest trends or should we say fads are often are born, if not, then bred by Asians or Asian Americans. Streetwear, sneakers, fixies, the boutique shop and food are just some of them. In a the day when a new generation matures, somewhat away from the internet boom of the early 2000s, it’s a look back into craft and working with your hands. Yet, all of a sudden, food has stepped up as being some kind of important thing to line up for. Really? Is it? Can the kids of today hybrid food enough to make it something that you need to line for? Is it better than our own parents or is it just derivative of it? Is it just heavy sauces and cheap fat or bacon that’s making everyone happy? Although article after article will make stars out of new young chefs, we’ll see how soon it passes once every possible hybrid gets made. The market will continue to flood and we’re already seeing less food trucks. Like all things, a few strong will continue to innovate and many will fall. After people realize that although the experience was great at the time, it all just ends up in a toilet. Sneakers? They get worn down. Fixies need brakes. Boutique shops battle the internet. It’s a cycle. (Time - Food)
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