Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

1) Explain about your work area / studio. What about it makes you enjoy working there?

I’m working in a big studio. It is cold in winter, has no internet connection, and there is a lot of noise from the street traffic outside. I love it.  A good working space is really important. I enjoy having enough space to work on different projects during the same day – as each project has its proper “station”. I  like where it is situated, and I enjoy being by myself. I also spend some time at a ceramic studio ( Echo ), I  enjoy the change because working there with other people is a nice social change.

2) How does it differ from your last working area?

It differs a lot from all my previous working studios ( i moved studios a lot, 7 times in 11 years) – I was sharing the last one with an editor, I couldn’t make noise, I didn’t feel at home there. The one before that was in an apartment, it took me a while to realize how uninspiring it was. And it goes on. I really experienced how important it is to choose the right place.

3) You have other endeavors along with your fine art. Can you talk about what you do there, and how that intertwines with your work?

A big endeavor is to try to reconcile my ceramic work with my work as a children book illustrator, and that I’m finally getting there  (whooohooo!), and to make it happen I had to start to write my own stories. Second endeavor is to balance work and family time.

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