Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Who’s making cash? It’s not just China but it’s quiet neighbors to the north are also growing at a large rate. It’s not all about building but it’s also about mining. The rich will get richer, and the poor who have to dig up the copper and so forth will end up poorer than ever. It’s an opportunity and won’t last forever. (NPR – Minegolia)
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4 casinos to open in the Philippines which will raise tons of money and make it a destination location for Southeast Asia. Macau might be the big dog in the region but imagine when more and more casinos open with A class amenities. Steve Wynn gets a comment about how his investment in Macau may just have gone a bit south.  (Forbes – Casinos)
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The Richest 70 Chinese legislature members (89.8 billion) have more money than all of Congress and more (7.5 billion). Basically, it averages that each of the 70 Chinese politicians is a billionaire. What’s the end kicker is China is 1/6 in terms of adjusted buying power. Meaning, the money goes even further. More noodles for them! (Shanghaiist – Rich China Politicians)
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