Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Ariel Hsing at 16 nearly beats #2 woman from China in the Olympics. It’ll yield no medals, but her efforts are a sign that she could be a champion, unless college gets in the way. Unlike the past where the entire US team was made of Chinese born players, the Chinese girls on the US team are US born. Time to pay attention to ping pong. (NY Times – Ariel Hsing)
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It’s been 40 years since the legendary “match” between China and American ping pong players opened the door to diplomacy. (Remember the Forrest Gump ping pong scene?) The US team was in Japan and then was invited to go to China and guess what? They made friends. Imagine, in 1971, China was practically what North Korea is to us today. It was another place entirely, a country that was run by a dictator much like Kim Jong Il – but even larger: Mao Zedong. Just this week some of the team members got back together and played like old times. Nothing exciting about a 40 year reunion, but it’s just cool.    
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