Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Photos by Ahn Sehong capture “comfort women” in Korea. Most are poor, broke, and even embarrassed. The ones that photographer Ahn Sehong photographs are still living in China, the place they were sent and subsequently “left” after World War 2. It’s a sad tale that has no resolve. (NY Times – Korean Comfort Women) “Comfort Women” will be on view at the Korea Press Center, 7 Broad Avenue, Palisades Park, N.J., through April 18.
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The Internment vote was rescinded, which for some is a big deal. Of course it does nothing to pay back additional sums for losses, etc. Yes imagine, houses, cars, possessions were all lost and taken by others… For 110,000 folks, you just can’t pay that back correctly – even for those who are still alive. Yet, this is righting a wrong even if it’s 70 years later. “In January 1942, the then-supervisors unanimously approved a resolution to urge President Franklin D. Roosevelt to proceed with the internment, saying it was difficult “if not impossible to distinguish between loyal and disloyal Japanese aliens.”” (LA Times – Rescinded)    
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When George Takei speaks, people listen. He is advocating for people to vote against 1253. Could it happen again? Maybe not in mass, but who knows. “Now a bill proposed in the U.S. Senate, S. 1253 (McCain/Levin) would authorize a similar sweeping authority, granted to the President, to order the detention–without charge or trial–of any person even suspected of being associated with a “terrorist organization.”  I could scarcely believe my eyes when I saw that we hadn’t learned from the terrible lessons of the past.” (allegiancemusical – Takei)
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