Bird Call – Found this on the street

There was a dead bird in front of GR2, it was stepped on, ant everywhere in front of the Simone Legno signing. I heard a chirp, a few of them, and figured there’s a nest and more birds in them. But the chirp echoed weird, and I had a feeling it wasn’t from above. I had to figure it out. Behind the storm drain, a bird chirped alone. It didn’t stop chirping and was probably looking for mom, which wasn’t around. I couldn’t believe what I saw, a tiny bird.

We couldn’t find the nest or any sign of an active one. Manager Michelle swears she knows how to deal with tiny birds like this, let’s hope she knows. I shot out a Twitter and got some responses, we’ll see what happens and if this bird can make it okay. It sure doesn’t look too happy, but it seemed to have stopped chirping after she picked it up. 

Here’s how I found the little “dude”. Shocked me quite a bit!