Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

gr/eats. a lot of food makes it onto my blog and maybe that’s because we have a restaurant, and I like to check out different kinds of foods. I’m biased, and I swear we do a pretty good job with the cooking. tilapia pesto – did you know tilapia is among the lowest mercury content of fish that we all eat? This has to be one of the best things at gr/eats Udon rocks too and we serve it in a pot. It stays hot.
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gr/eats promotion is over. It actually ended on monday, but look at this photo! That’s Mayan Chicken and it’s tasty! There’s a cool short story about this. I asked Chef Nelson about dishes that he really likes from his home country, El Salvador, and the next day he busted this out. It’s a dish made on special occasions only, but we serve it daily. There’s some interesting ingredients in it, and many think there’s some chocolate (like mole) but wrong region, wrong tribe! If you ask him, maybe Nelson will tell you! This dish tasted so good, it had to go on the menu. The chicken is almost cooked like stew and it slides off the bone. This impressive photo was taken by SX-70 and it’s on the lounge. It makes me hungry looking at it.
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Just like how we opened a year ago, gr/eats is having a promotion. Eat a meal and you get a nice prize right over at gr2. It’s been a zoo! Restaurants are tough and I laugh when people tell us to open one elsewhere like in NYC. I just can’t do it. Today, we also decided that the new site should be up next week. This blog and others will be on the front page. It should be six total and hopefully fresh and new often! Also the lounge! Yes our lounge will have a hopefully daily update on what the hot topics are of the day. We may recruit someone from our lounge to help do this for us. The podcasts will be right up there too.
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