Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Lone Wolf and Cub acquired. Yes, is the lead going to be DeNiro? Will it be whitewashed? We hope not, but most likely it’ll end up being a dark haired non Asian. Perhaps it’ll be a half Asian. That said, Kotaku then published something funny. Not all films are whitewashed!  They provide some examples. Plenty of it is classic Americana crap, and it’s mostly old. Oh well, we’ll see what happens to this classic manga and movies. Will this be an action packed samurai movie?
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It’s legit. Perhaps this will break down the bootlegging by offering movies online. Why buy the tons of $1 bootleg DVDs when you can just pay a fee and watch it all? It’s the Netflix model in a way. Right now, it’s with Lionsgate films, but tomorrow, it could be every studio signing up. It’s sort of how music has worked it in the age of pirating. Why not earn a few dollars rather than noooothing… (Bradenton – Youku)  
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The articles about white washing of Hollwood continue, and it’s not just Akira. This article touches upon history and also another upcoming manga based movie called All You Need is Kill. Again, casting is said to be non Asian. Although it’s nearing an epidemic, especially with the past films already ruined, Dragonball and Speed Racer included, I’m still not sure how bad it really is. I know it’s counter to what many of you think my opinion would be, but is it better to have Asian faces speaking their roles in English in a story that’s adapted, yet taking place in American neighborhoods? So instead of Kaneda racing through Neo Tokyo streets in Akira, we’ll have an Asian American face also named Kaneda racing through Baltimore speaking English with a pill design on his jacket? Meanwhile, he rides by Starbucks and Nordstroms Rack? Then all of his other friends and lead characters are also Asian, yet they’re cruising around in a world of non-Asians? It’s not going to work regardless of his skin color. The safest is an all out adaptation like The Departed where it can stand on it’s own having non-Asian names and faces. The real answer is do it in Japan, or not do it at all. Or else, change the name, the story and have a midwest motorcycle rally. I’d rather not see a lose, lose production that makes no sense. (LA Times – Whitewashing)
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At this point, it doesn’t matter. The cast of Akira is white. There will be the pundits who’s love it regardless, but the casting is strange. Who knows, it might end up being like The Departed. A complete new take on Akira. If it works out like that, then fine. How’s will the ending play out? It’ll cost millions with tons of special effects. These actors? They might just be pawns in a movie that’s filled with CG. That’s optimism. (i09 - Akira)
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