Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

The opening night for my exhibition, “B-Shots” was Sunday March 31st at Balconi Coffee in West LA. I imagined it would be myself and a few friends rolling through. It’s not an “art show”, as I imagine art shows. This is more of a document of a time period. The late 80s and early to mid 90s.

I was actually more impressed and thankful to the artists who came and lent support. Mari Inukai, Luke Chueh, Edwin Ushiro, Andrew Hem, Sean Chao, Rob Sato, Ako Castuera, Kris Chau, Leah Chun, and I know I’m forgetting some at this moment. There was so much talent in the room, it was overwhelming. It was also great to talk about the shows, the bands, and listen to some of them via a playlist. Also, I recognized Dee Plakas, the drummer of L7 in a group of folks who were checking it out. That was a holy shit moment! Although these photos are pulled from half of my negatives that I only recently found, I’m now bound to find the other half and compile an even larger collection some time soon.

That’s Kris Chau and Ako Castuera taking a look.

A note I wrote about the exhibition.

I made a zine for the exhibition, “From the Pit” along with a special display box made by Dirty Dean.

A group shot near the end. Thanks for coming through. I’ll add a bit more some time soon.

flicks by DJ Tony Jr.

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The LA Times released a story about Bryan Chan’s epic time lapse of the Space Shuttle Endeavour and how he did it. That said, he also generously gives mention to another time lapse by Michael Givot which is stunning in different ways. Obviously time lapses are no joke and the work that goes into it is more about planning than just the shooting. (LA Times – Bryan Chan) Original link to Bryan Chan’s piece. Mission 26 The Big Endeavour from Givot on Vimeo.
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