Art ·
Punk Rock Photo Exhibition 3/30 6-9p at Balconi Coffee – B Shots
A long time ago, I shot black and white photos of bands in LA. The negatives were lost for years and I just recently found them. Although there’s even more that will one day turn up, I’ll be showing a decent grouping at Balconi Coffee in West LA. Here’s the FB event page. I’ll write a few “liner notes” for the photos. Bands included in the shots: 7 League Boots, Antioch Arrow, Beck, Big Drill Car, Bikini Kill, Courtney Love, Drive Like Jehu, Dwarves, Fishbone, Jane’s Addiction, Jawbreaker, Jesus Lizard, John Spencer Blue Explosion, Kurt Cobain, L7, Living Colour, Firehose, Mudhoney, The Nymphs, Public Enemy, Slug, Sonic Youth, Supersuckers, Unwound.