What I Want For the Weekend!
…is to make beautiful music. Or somehow get this tune out of my head. You know when you have a tune stuck in your head and it bothers you that you can not remember the title of the song. Maybe a few keys on the piano will help? Or whistling the tune? But most likely, I’m going to figure it out with an Otamatone or two.
Released by Maywa Denki, the creators of the popular Knockman series, the electronic Otamatone made its debut at Giant Robot late last year! These instruments came in two colors – black and white. With their continued success and popularity, the company released smaller and more portable versions, the Otamatone Keychains! These miniature versions were released in four different colors as blue, pink, white, and black. The best part of this release is that each miniature otamatone can play 11 different songs, that you can play along with or just listen to. These keychains are much more fun and entertaining when you bring them along everywhere!