Castleforte Signing at Giant Robot LA - guests and Big Boss Robot Cookies
The book signing. Sunday before Martin Luther King's Day, we had a signing and a Papertoy Monster making day. Free templates and a craft table. Family fun that was actually free, but if you bought a book, there's hours and hours of enjoyment contained within. There's 24 templates. 2 each by 12 artists. Castleforte below is the author who put it all together. They might seem easy but these aren't that simple. To get something to look fairly tight takes cutting, tabs, and glue, but these are perforated templates, so cutting, isn't that needed. That's him below. But above was something interesting. These are “special needs” adults who came in a van as a pack and hung out until it was time to make stuff. I was amazed at how happy and excited they were to be there. The woman in pink was talkative and energetic. I had to take her pic.
That's the book!
The cookie! Wow, a Giant Robot, Big Boss Robot cookie made and baked by Shelly Niimi. Check it out! The raisin eyes work great.