Events at Giant Robot all over! Ming Ong Sean Chao, Casteforte and Ulises Farinas
So much going on. That's Castleforte who'll be at Giant Robot LA on sunday 2-4pm. Read more just a bit lower! If it's not a great art show at Giant Robot SF starring Sean Chao and Ming Ong “Forget Me Not”, which looks awesome. Really. Then it's the events at Giant Robot 2 in LA. Ulises Farinas “Other Places” on Saturday. Check out his drawings. Crazy line work, ala the superheroes of drawing. No kidding. See?
This is one of the easy ones. They get way more intense. But on Sunday. 2-4 at Giant Robot is another event. GR hosts fun stuff, we hope and this one is cool. Imagine making crazy characters from paper. What could be more fun. You'll get to check it out and hopefully purchase one of his books. This isn't one that you'll sit and read and have it pick up dust, this is an activity and it's family and friend fun. Serious.