APPLES? How do you like them?
Eugenia Yuan picks apples. You might have seen her in a movie called Fog, or Strangers, or Three, but she eats apples too. One great thing about produce straight from someone's tree is the joy in picking them. There's a moment when someone says, “hey why don't you take home some apples?” Then you put on some shoes and you go back and pick which ones you want. It's a joyful 5-10 minutes. They won't look like most supermarket steroid apples which have the perfect shape and sheen. Red Delicious looks practically painted. These are natural and in a backyard. The tree isn't what you'd imagine. Aren't apple trees supposed to be tall with a big trunk? This is one tree that's spread out horizontal and there's a ton of apples on it. Super great, these are better than ones at the market and they're fairly plentiful. We're not sure why this year, there are so many apples as compared to last year, but there's no complaints. Growing backyard fruits and vegetables is something we're afforded in Southern California. Imagine if we ALL grew produce, there'd be less busy markets, and we'd all save some dollars. I swear growing this apple tree wasn't done with much effort and the results are many 100 or more pounds of apples.