Ryan Reyes - Youtube star - Pimplywimp

Visiting Albert Reyes always leads to cool things. 1) The art in his house is amazing. We’ve featured that in the magazine before and his studio room of art keeps changing. Original art he got from trades include Matt Furie, Date Farmers, and plenty of others I don’t know so well. 2) His brother is Pimplywimp Ryan Reyes. Hilarious videos. He’s in his own Youtube videos but he’s also in movies. It’s an alternate way to go to be in the business. Is it the real way of the future? Will there be big stars who will one day say, “I started on Youtube”? The cool thing is, you can say you’re always working, and it’s a good way to practice your craft and get feedback. Want to hire him? You can check out his reel without even asking. See his Crispin Glover imitation. The 6th part is actually going up soon!

Here are a couple of links to his videos. They’re definitely on the edge and funny.