EN ·
Princeton Day 1.5
Hail Satan! This is an amazing detail from old art. All of the kids who are doing metal looking art, check this one out. Done hundreds of years ago. The guy who did this was probably possessed and now it’s all metal album covers and t-shirts. How many mouths does Satan have? That one near his crotch isn’t the one to be near.
This one is awesome. Nara described one of his works in the same way as I’d describe this one. There’s a line that comes from that girl that goes through the painting.
The Princeton University Chapel here’s a link. The building looks amazing, and when I walked in, someone was practicing the organ which resonated throughout the building. I was hoping to hear a Star Wars theme, but it didn’t happen. It’s an amazing building, but it’s from 1924. I thought it would be a couple of hundred years old.