GRSF Our Finest Hour – Jen Corace 11/15/08 – 12/10/08

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Giant Robot is proud to present Our Finest Hour, an art show by Jen Corace.

Jen Corace is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design who lives and works in Providence. Corace’s work, which typically features young females, a subtle color palette, and a timeless quality, celebrates not nostalgia but the youthful moment itself. Corace has shown in galleries around the world including Tokyo, Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, and Portland, and has also provided illustrations for The Portland Mercury, Chronicle Books, and other commercial clients. She is currently working on a new children’s book.

Our Finest Hour will feature more than 50 4×6″ framed portraits by the artist.

A reception for Corace will be held from 6:30-10:00 on Saturday, November 15. For more information about the artist, GRSF, or Giant Robot magazine, please contact:
Eric Nakamura
Giant Robot Owner/Publisher
(310) 479-7311