One of the coolest shops that I actually discovered a while back is Soaptopia. On Venice, it’s a shop that of course sells soap, but they’re not just resellers, they make their own. I have no idea how one gets into making soap and doing it in a shop setting, but they have it dialed in. It’s been in Mar Vista for three years, and I have no idea how I’ve missed it for so long. The exterior looks comfortable, and retro. Something like an apothecary or something like that. Check out this little strip of shops, it’s looking up.
Norma stands proud in front of the soaps, lotions, and bath oils. See the candy cane themed soap? That’s special for the holidays. The chandelier is a nice touch. I’d like to learn how to make soap one day, but for now, I’ll just buy it.
This is where you buy the soap. Just pick some off and put them on the table. So many styles and scents. They get featured on TV once in a while, and holiday time, it gets packed. They gift wrap with the best of them.
Soaptopia, Inc. – 12228 1/2 Venice Blvd. – Mar Vista – CA 90066
310.398.8333 (phone) – 310.398.7949 (fax)
Store Hours – M-F 10am-7pm – SA/SU 10am-6pm