No really I'm doing more than that here. Tons of running around for meetings etc. The food stuff happens when it happens. But it happened yesterday. Cheaper yakiniku. Look at the mini grill. I want one of those at home. This spot was in Matsudo, near the Goodsmile offices. That's Junko and Aki, two of my favorite people in Japan. Although it is of universal consequence, depending on what you believe, my ride home was stalled by a suicide on the tracks. I fell asleep on the train like a local. Somehow I woke up and the train was at my stop. The ride home took well over an hour.

I see red. This place gets packed.

I am a nerd at Goodsmile. I accidentally am flashing a gang sign.

Ramen. Hakata style, yes, oil and tasty in Matsudo.

This is Chinese style Japanese made ramen. Also great. This is green onion but with tororo, which is a mountain yam. It was chopped, not grated, and super good.