Miya Ando Stanoff art Exhibition Bandini Gallery

That's sort of what we looked like at the Miya Ando Stanoff art exhibition. Her back story is amazing. She's the descendant of a sword maker. That's cousin Mike Idemoto and Eugenia Yuan. That's Miya above my cousin's left shoulder. This all took place at the Bandini gallery on Fairfax. The art is minimal style, sort of Rothko in a way, but it's all made out of metal, and with industrial finishing techniques, the work has tones and textures. I'm a little more into pop culture, so this type of work is something I'm not used to seeing.

Evidently, she's from Watsonville, a small town in California, where my mother's side has some roots. Miya now lives in Brooklyn and has art exhibitions all over. See her site here.

I liked this piece the most.