By gr on 2006-11-23
Thanksgiving. I have no idea who reads this, but I told myself, before I jumped into Thanksgiving family bliss, I'd blog about the day, and maybe talk about what it means to me. It's less about pilgrims, indians, or stealing a country - as in, thanks for giving us America. For me, I hope I can enjoy the day, my family, and think about my friends who are with their families or friends. I'm thankful for the good people in my life, and at the same time, I'm thankful for the assholes too. Without them around, the good people wouldn't stand out just that little bit more than they already do. Here's 10 more things I'm thankful for and some might end up being super selfish and materialistic, but they make me happy. Some of these might even intersect with the upcoming top 10s in the mag, but I don't remember them all, so it's cool.
1) Ricoh GR camera. I can't stop talking about it.
2) Prison Break and Lost. Two great shows even if people are saying they're jumping the shark.
3) The great gr staff. A lot of you fall into the friends category above, but the ones who don't, I appreciate the good efforts.
4) Softball. It's fun every week.
5) YMCA. Not the song, but the gym.
6) Sawtelle. It's not just the stores, etc, but it's everything.
7) Sculpy. For the mind and hands and social times. It can even get me out of the house.
8) Art. Being part of it is the best. Too many artists to list here...
9) GR bimonthly. First year to do it, and it's made us/me stronger.
10) 2006. Lots happened, met a lot of great folks(you know who you are), and I'm thankful.
1) Ricoh GR camera. I can't stop talking about it.
2) Prison Break and Lost. Two great shows even if people are saying they're jumping the shark.
3) The great gr staff. A lot of you fall into the friends category above, but the ones who don't, I appreciate the good efforts.
4) Softball. It's fun every week.
5) YMCA. Not the song, but the gym.
6) Sawtelle. It's not just the stores, etc, but it's everything.
7) Sculpy. For the mind and hands and social times. It can even get me out of the house.
8) Art. Being part of it is the best. Too many artists to list here...
9) GR bimonthly. First year to do it, and it's made us/me stronger.
10) 2006. Lots happened, met a lot of great folks(you know who you are), and I'm thankful.