By gr on 2006-10-22

Cousin mike got an operation on his arm after years and years of talking about it. A funny story is that right when he came back into consciousness, he started throwing punches at the nurses and spitting. I guess he clocked some nurses but has no recollection of it, it was just a natural reaction of some sort. Throwing punches can make you the talk of the post-op room and you can get away with punching a nurse. What can you say? Sorry? That story is just the warm up. We watched PRIDE which made it's debut in Vegas. What a great production and show compared to the UFC. It's a huge difference in talent, and production budget. In the end fighting is fighting, but seeing the Shogun (GR's 2005 fighter of the year) vs Randleman and Fedor vs Coleman among other great fights made this a great time. It ran about 3 hrs+. A great night for mixed martial arts.