By gr on 2006-09-12

Today's 9/11, and I feel strangely patriotic. Maybe not exactly, but I did get a call this morning at 5 something AM by UPS. Of course, they have their east coast hours, and that got me up early enough to watch the beginning of the rebroadcast of the 9/11 coverage from 5 years ago. I saw the 2nd plane hit the towers. Still a scary sight. I don't know why I felt compelled to watch this, I even watched it during parts of the day for really no reason. We were all glued to the TV five years ago, and maybe I felt the need to have that feeling again. Gladly, I didn't watch it all day, and my patriotism has nothing to do with flag waving, or anything like how you may think, but it's more about feeling like it's not my personal fault all this happened. And that, maybe I'm a decent American, like how a bunch of my friends are too.

I'm still heading out to Tokyo 13-21, HK 21-24, Brighton 24-28.