Food ·
Fruit Snacks
Lost a softball game. Not that big of a deal, but 9-6… not enough hitting from us, and the other team earned most of their runs with hits and so forth. Sure, we had a few blunders, but so did they… but it’s the hitting, I have a lot to say, but basically, it’s frustrating. So what to do?
go to gr/eats and take part in the Cinco de Mayo celebration! Haha. Ate two tacos, a veggie taco, and a chicken taco, rice, beans, salsa, and guac and chips… Then I hit my favorite aisle in the supermarket.
Ram Tough, I say.
Classic. These don’t really connect, but basically, you get a 2×2 piece, which is pretty cool. The big logo is comforting. Who gets this? This is for the crafty, thinking, building type. Work with your hands, make something, change the world, think spacially, think systems, just think.
My only criticisms, where’s the regular colors? White (yes coconut flavor!), Purple?! That’s not a common color! Black! Make Black. Licorice! Wrong shade of green for sure. Orange? Eh.. I’ll give you a pass on that, but what about Grey?! What flavor is grey?
So what did I opt for? The one that was on sale. Regular plain fruit snacks. No style, just the one that was suggested to me by Pond Crosser. It’s generic.