Jawbreaker 33 1/3 Event GR2 Ronen Givony, Adam Pfahler and Chris Bauermeister

Amazing event as usual. Jawbreaker ascended Sawtelle with author Ronen Givony who pushed out the longest 33 1/3 book thus far chronicling 24 Hour Revenge Therapy. After a short reading came questions from Ronen and the audience, and answers from bandmates Chris Bauermeister and Adam Pfahler. The topics ranged and the talk went smoothly. Jawbreaker stories never get old. The framing and context of their time period is shocking. Jawbreaker broke up before the band members were 30 and now they've gotten back together at 50! 

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Video Link to Jawbreaker 33 1/3 Talk at GR2. Audio could be much better - sorry about this. 

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