Katsuya Terada and Baron Yoshimoto at Kodaiji Temple in Kyoto, Japan

Batiera by Baron Yoshitomo and Katsuya Terada is currently on view at the Kodaiji Temple in Kyoto, Japan. The Kodaiji Temple was established in memory of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and is a Zen Buddhism Temple. It's slightly lesser known as compared to some of the largest tourist attractions, yet it's a great example of a Kyoto Temple that has beautiful buildings and amazing gardens. 

Inside one of the first rooms you'd see is the art exhibition. This temple has creatively picked a section that almost every visitor must practically see to get through to the rest of the grounds. Both Baron Yoshitomo and Katsuya Terada's work are hung throughout the first temple building and there's also a collaborative drawing area where the drew live in public. The exhibition appears to run until May 6th, 2018. 

I'm thankful for the GR2 plug in the Japanese text and am also glad to have met Baron Yoshitomo just outside of the grounds. The manga legend is an amazing character and his peace sign is unique.