Play-Deco - 3D Robot Greeting Card (Congratulations)
Package Size measures 6.5" x 8.5," Assembled Size: 1.5" x 2" x 2"
Write a personal note on the mini message card and send it along with the wood board in an envelop included in the package.
The recipient can simply pop out the wooden letters and in a few minutes assemble them together without glue or tape to build a messenger robot that can even hold your note!
Not for children under 3 years old.
Areaware - Micro Cubebot (Natural)
'Micro' Size measures 4.25" tall with 5.5" arm span (when opened). 1.5" x 1.5" cube (when folded).
Wooden Cubebots! From a cube to a bot. Play with the limbs to create any pose you can imagine. Elastic-band muscles and wooden parts will allow for years of fun! One per package.
Piperoid - Paper Pipe Robot Figure (Muscle Joe)