Book cover of a small person standing in front of a purple blue monstrous mass in the orange sky desert.
Page excerpt, a strange fantasy lizard animal in the desert.
Page excerpt, a large rock mass in the desert.
Page excerpt, line art illustration of a strange wiry shape coming up from a small person sitting on a chair in the desert.
Page excerpt, line art illustration of a person researching a very large squiggly mass.

Moebius - La Faune de Mars (Expanded Edition)

Regular price $ 45.00

Hardcover, 200 pages, black & white, with 16 pages in color, 6.25 x 8.25 inches

A new larger format, expanded edition of the 2011 limited edition sketchbook. This new edition is two inches wider and taller than the 2011 edition and adds 16 pages of color illustrations.

A fantasy notebook of animals found on Mars.

"Everyone now knows that the planet Mars is barren. Robots, equipped with small remote-controlled shovels, are being sent there at great expense, and they are stubbornly digging the soil in the hope of discovering fossils curled up with ancient bacteria.

"I found it simpler and less expensive in terms of technological investment to grab a blank notebook and let the pen run on paper, a dreamy and random stroke. Of course, this method of another age is far from providing the scientific guarantees that are required in any official communication, and I did not even try to get an article in Sciences & Vie.

"This notebook exists however, and the strange creatures that populate its pages exist with him and in him."

--Le Major - alias Moebius