Front view of a red robot sculpture holding a thank you card made of wood. The robot has buck teeth and cute button nose.
Wood card with stylized text that says thank you. A wavy red border along edges mimics morse code messaging but made to look like flowers.
Each letter in thank you is removable so that you can build a wood robot sculpture.
A tiny foldable paper card with a red robot face laid flat. One side is left blank. Example message on card says thank you.
The blank side of paper card, where you may write a personal message, has been folded over the robot face. It says thank you.

Play-Deco - 3D Robot Greeting Card (Thank You)

Regular price $ 11.50

Package Size measures 6.5" x 8.5," Assembled Size: 1.5" x 2" x 2"

Write a personal note on the mini message card and send it along with the wood board in an envelop included in the package. 

The recipient can simply pop out the wooden letters and in a few minutes assemble them together without glue or tape to build a messenger robot that can even hold your note!

Not for children under 3 years old.