Greyscale cover for Rakuda Laughs, featuring a very gruff looking person smoking a cigarette with small bandaids on his head. A girl with punk aesthetic leans over him and bites one of the bandaids off his forehead.
Black and white comic panel sample from Rakuda Laughs.
Table of contents for Rakuda Laughs.
Full color fold out from Rakuda Laughs, featuring a woman with curled demon horns and a fluffy purple robe around her. She holds a staff and her other hand is adorned with many heavy looking rings.

Rakuda Laughs - Katsuya Terada

Regular price $ 15.95

Softcover, black & white comic imagery, 112 pages, 8.2 x 6 inches.

Black & white comics with 16 pages in color, and two double-sided color foldout pin-ups.

Yakuza bad-boy Rakuda is framed for the murder of his gang-boss by an ambitious young white-collar criminal.

New father and troubled yakuza Rakuda gets a call from his colleagues tasking him to dispose of a random body. The job is fishy, but when you are a gangster sometimes you have to just do what you're told. But in this case, who gave him the job is the problem. A young hustler named Amazaki has tasked him to take care of a corpse without any info on who the body is and how to get rid of it. Turns out the body belongs to their gang lord... Now the gang and the cops are after Rakuda. And with danger around every corner, there are now very few moments for jokes in Rakuda's world.

Katsuya Terada (born in Okayama, Japan in 1963) is a rare comic artist who has amassed success and followers on both sides of the Pacific. A self-defined "doodler," Terada's art has been seen in some of the most recognizable works to come out of Japan in the last two decades. His international breakthrough was his designs for Blood: The Last Vampire. His collaborations with properties such as The Legend of Zelda, Iron Man, and Hellboy further cemented his place within an international audience.