75,000 Fukushima Nuclear Evacuees Told Their Hometowns Will Be Uninhabitable for More Than 20 Years
More than a year after the triple meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor facility, residents forced to leave their homes in towns like Namie and Okuma in the mandatory evacuation zone expressed their frustration over lack of information about their futures by heckling and shouting down members of the Japanese Diet”s Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission (NAIIC) as it convened a two-day hearing in Nihonmatsu. Then villagers’ frustration turned to anger when Environment Minister Hoshi Gosono acknowledged Sunday that more than 75,000 people who lived in communities like Futaba, Namie and Okuma will not be allowed to return home for more than 20 years. But that wasn’t all: Minister Gosono’s capper was his request that those same communities allow the government to store spent nuclear fuel in their hometowns temporarily, since there are already no people there anyway.
Click on the image below to see the recorded USTREAM feed of the Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission meeting on April 22. 2012.