Act Quickly if You Want to Travel For Free in Japan
By now, everyone should know that the combined earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japanon March 11th left Fukushima and surrounding areas devastated. But the rest of the country is, by and large, in great shape. And that’s the message the Travel Volunteer project wants to deliver. Those who apply by July 31st will have the chance to be the lucky person or couple selected to travel throughout Japan’s 47 prefectures for 101 days, absolutely free. The only requirement is that the winner(s) honestly chronicle their impressions of their travel experience and the condition of Japan on a blog and through social networking sites. Travel Volunteer apparently wants an objective outside source to tell the world how Japan is living and breathing since the March 11th disaster. There are few qualifications to apply, but they include fluency in English and having never lived in Japan. Five finalist individuals or couples will be selected, and they must be able to travel to Japan for the final selection process by September 12th. The chance to spend almost 1/3 of a year traveling inJapan for free is unique and exciting, your basic “once in a lifetime” opportunity. Jump on it. (Travel Volunteer – Travel Japan for Free)