“Sweetie, Could You Get Some Eggs in the Subway on Your Way Home?”
How do you increase your market share in a country where people are incredibly busy, hate to go grocery shopping, and without spending the money to build more brick-and-mortar stores? Well, you figure out a way to allow the customer to easily purchase your products in a place you know they must frequently use and will have a little time to kill. Like, say, the subway. That’s what Home plus, the South Korean division of British grocery store giant Tesco, figured out exactly how to do. They installed billboards depicting virtual Home plus grocery shelves in Seoul subway stations. While waiting for their next train, commuting customers scan QR codes on the products they want with their cell phones. Then, with shopping completed, Korean shoppers have the contents of their online shopping carts delivered by the time they get home. Pretty clever, particularly when you consider how much cheaper renting physical ad space on a subway platform is compared to building a multi-level shopping structure in one of Asia’s most populous cities. (Digital Trends – Virtual Subway Groceries)