GR2 Year of the Rabbit – Group Show 2/5/11 – 3/2/11

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Group art show opening

Year of the Rabbit at GR2

February 5 – March 2, 2011
Reception: Saturday, February 5, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m.

2062 Sawtelle Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 445-9276

Giant Robot is proud to host Year of the Rabbit, a group art show celebrating the 4709th resetting of the lunar calendar. Pieces will include illustrations, oils, pencils, prints, watercolors, sculpture, and other media–all dedicated to one of the most stubborn, but also most creative (and cute) animals in the Chinese zodiac.

Contributors will include the following:

Andrice Arp
Jesse Balmer
Robert Bellm
Aaron Brown
Ako Castuera
Sean Chao
Louise Chen
Shawn Cheng
James Chong
Lola Dompe
Dutch Door Press
Evah Fan
Jesse Fillingham
Matt Furie
Clement Hanami
Lisa Hanawalt
Nao Harada
David Horvath
Michael Hsiung
Martin Hsu
Mark Ingram
Mari Inukai
Kaori Kasai
Tessar Lo
Gary Musgrave
Tru Nguyen
Saejean Oh
Ming Ong
Martin Ontiveros
Sidney Pink
Ferris Plock
Jarrett Quon
Jesse Reklaw
Albert Reyes
Grant Reynolds
Jenny Ryan
Ryan Jacob Smith
Ryohei Tanaka
Daria Tessler
Kelly Tunstall
Aiyana Udesen
Edwin Ushiro
Christine Vincent
Jing Wei
Justin Wood
Yoskay Yamamoto
Kohei Yamashita
Jeni Yang

Giant Robot was born as a Los Angeles-based magazine about Asian, Asian-American, and new hybrid culture in 1994, but has evolved into a full-service pop culture provider with shops and galleries in Los Angeles and San Francisco, as well as an online equivalent.

An opening reception featuring many of the artists will take place from 6:30 – 10:00 on Saturday, February 5. For more information about the show, GR2, or Giant Robot magazine, please contact:

Eric Nakamura
Giant Robot Owner/Publisher
(310) 479-7311