Here’s a bunch of tweets in support of GR.
processrecess: Giant Robot needs help! Support this indie icon:
spankystokes: NEW POST: Giant Robot Magazine Needs Your help. PLS RT
contrastmag: Giant Robot mag needs help. Support indie media! They been in the game for 15 years
tydesign: The Asian American pop culture influencer, Giant Robot, needs help! Don’t let another great pop institution fall.
andreagin: Giant Robot needs support:
kimonostereo: Giant Robot needs help! Support this indie icon: [Lots of great incentives for donations too!]
urbanARTOPEDIA: Show Giant Robot some love and give what you can.
hyphenmagazine Giant Robot mag need help. Publishing is brutal. Support indie Asian American media!
popejephei: Sign of the times… Giant Robot Magazine Needs You
driph: Giant Robot needs food, badly.
jasonzada: Help keep Giant Robot alive. (via@annzo) Such a great, inspiring magazine.
Vidalia: I’m super broke, but i still donated to @giant_robot so that GIANT ROBOTMAGAZINE doesn’t go the way of SPY mag:
GoRamen: Please support Giant Robot Magazine! @giant_robot and@giantroboteric have been fans of my blog since I
lantis_base: Giant Robot needs help! Support this indie icon: I don’t wanna lose one of my favorite rags.
PhilipArsenault: Giant Robot, a very good indie magazine that I subscribe to, needs your help. Please donate.
AtonalAsterisk: Seriously, guys, please donate some money to Giant Robot if you have a bit of spare cash. They’re one of the best magazines around today.
haraya: Love this mag. Let’s all support them! RT @processrecess: Giant Robotneeds help! Support this indie icon:
chiatdaynight: Fun Store, too! RT @jasonzada: Help keep Giant Robot alive. (via @annzo) Such a great, inspiring magazine.
dogenpunk: I’ll be donating what about you? RT: @GreatDismal: Save GIANT ROBOT!
liamflaherty: — Giant Robot could use some help.
douglassherwood: If you’re tired of donating money to Haiti or kickstarters for privileged white people, give some cash to Giant Robot:
marcehughes: GIANT ROBOT needs your help to keep giving you awesome Chinese secrets! (via @plasticchapel)
mochistudios: @milkandeggsco Yes, definitely save Giant Robot! They’ve inspired me so much over the years.
pinguino: Oh no! Help save Giant Robot! (via@pakbuzz)
jefbot: if you dig asian pop culture, consider: RT @kyubikitsy Giant Robot needs help! Support this indie icon:
spankystokes: NEW POST: Giant Robot Magazine Needs Your help. PLS RT
vannenwatches: Please RT @giant_robot needs our help. Head over to and make a donation. Great magazine. Great people.
somebadideas: As a contributor to Giant Robot, I can say firsthand that Martin & Eric make each issue on a shoestring, miracles, volunteers & family.
flavorpill_nyc: RT @giantroboteric: Giant Robot Magazine needs your help. Tough times in general for print. See video and read text.
amyblue_theband: Help save GIANT ROBOT magazine.. the most awesome mag out there.
GreatDismal: Save GIANT ROBOT! Unique, superb, wonderfully inspiring magazine, needs your help now.
fduncan: What he said: RT @GreatDismal: Save GIANT ROBOT! Unique, superb, wonderfully inspiring magazine, needs your help now.
albotas: Giant Robot was a huge inspiration to me when I first started Albotas. DONATE!!! RT @AttractMode
squiddie: Giant Robot magazine could use some help. Covering cool stuff for 15 years. (RT as necessary.)
hypebeast: Help Giant Robot Magazine Out with Donations via@BobbyHundreds
noshwell: We think Giant Robot is the only magazine left worth reading. And they need your help. #giantrobot.
Videogamegirl: @giant_robot I love me some Giant Robot, both store and mag. The store is right by me!
onokinegrindz: Iconic Asian pop culture magazine, Giant Robot, needs your Pls RT. cc: @giantroboteric @giant_robot
evanseriously: giant robot needs some love
polaroidteam: help save Giant Robot (@giant_robot)!!
animevice: #AnimeVice: First Date: Giant Robot Magazine: Click To Watch Video…
jennwong: GIANT ROBOT needs your help! have loved this magazine for years – click & watch:
animevice: @aicnanime Here’s that Giant Robot video I promised
kenwong: Well, Giant Robot, I’ve been reading you since the 90s and many times I’ve wished I lived on the US West Coast. I’ll donate when I get paid.
Serviceburo: Help save Giant Robot:
jennwong: GIANT ROBOT needs your help! have loved this magazine for years – click & watch:
kenzolee: support Giant Robot Magazine
jayang: Giant Robot Magazine needs you!
parenthood21: Giant Robot Magazine – zine about Asian pop culture has fallen on hard times. Here’s a link to help save GR
jamesleung0: Yea! Even mentioned my anime reviews RT @animevice #AnimeVice: First Date: Giant Robot Magazine: Click To Watch Video…
AnimeVideo: Anime news: First Date: Giant Robot Magazine
marksarmel: I know its tough for most people out there, but Giant Robot could use a hand
animevice: #AnimeVice: First Date: Giant Robot Magazine: Click To Watch Video…
nuart09 Support Giant Robot, (expand) #GR #Streetart #culture #curator
@KeriLuna: Long live @giant_robot magazine! Please check out my latest article for the examiner and support Giant Robot!
bdicrescenzo: Help save Giant Robot magazine: My favorite rag. Aside from the one that pays me.
jamesleung0: Awesome interview with @giantroboteric on the Vans Blog. (expand) – - Support Giant Robot
aicnanime: Great, impassioned response to AICN Giant Robot fundraiser post
infectiousart: Help keep Giant Robot in print! (And fuel your Junko Mizuno obsession simultaneously…)
RichTuArt: Giant Robot needs our help:
NiaNaia: HELP!!! Giant Robot Magazine Needs You: (via @iblala RT @HIFF @ShakaTalk)
HIFF: Giant Robot Magazine Needs You:
HELP!!! RT @HIFF Giant Robot Magazine Needs You:
amyblue_theband: @giant_robot donation rally..
animeresearch: @giant_robot Which helps you guys out more – buying the issues in stores or subscriptions?
Videogamegirl: @giant_robot I love me some Giant Robot, both store and mag. The store is right by me!
TadCarpenter: @GIANT_ROBOT great folks & great magazine need ur help via @SuperTouchArt
aleloop: @giant_robot needs our help. If u’ve been inspired by it, time to give a hand
radiomaru: Awesome Scott Pilgrim art on ebay, 24 hour auction, proceeds to @giant_robot, bid now!
clairerauscher: @mikegikal mira q fino, pero ta caro RT @radiomaru: Awesome Scott Pilgrim art on ebay, proceed to @giant_robotbid now!
bryoz: Ok guys, @giant_robot needs our help! Details here:
TheCookiesMob: Help Giant Robot @giant_robot@giantroboteric
AttractMode: Get it together and bid! RT @radiomaru Scott Pilgrim art on ebay, 24 hour auction, proceeds to @giant_robot, bid now!
liabulaong: fan of scott pilgrim? @radiomaru himself is auctioning off sp original art to help raise money for @giant_robot:
davidmackkabuki: Giant Robot Mag- one of the first to review Kabuki in 1995-96 RT @giant_robot “An Asian ‘Zine is Still Playing it Cool”
danootz: Finally got a @giant_robot mag subscription. I hope it helps the cause. I may donate or stop by the store too. #fb
channelAPA: Giant Robot Magazine (@giant_robot) needs your help
ohmgee: .@giant_robot magazine needs you! @giantroboteric / we need giant robot! by @disgrasian
CKShaw: I love @giant_robot its like getting 3 or 4 mags in every issue!! RT @disgrasian WE NEED GIANT ROBOT!
danootz: @radiomaru Doing a great thing. Ebaying original Scott Pilgrim art. 100% proceeds go to @giant_robot #fb
mochipark: @giant_robot Magazine needs your help. Tough times in general for print. See video and read text. Thanks. pleez RT
CriminalRecords: Oooh, want! Scott Pilgrim art by @radiomaru for the @Giant_Robot fundraiser (via@giantroboteric)
lillianchan: help @giant_robot magazine! it’s the only magazine I actually subscribe to
jess_lum: 3 ways to help save Asian American magazines like@giant_robot and @hyphenmagazine –
mrphilbot: @giant_robot needs your help!
radiomaru: Congrats to Ben Read of England who landed the Scott Pilgrim art for $2550 USD (for@giant_robot!)
pakbuzz: @radiomaru Dude, you’ve just singlehandedly delivered 4% of @giant_robot ‘s 2010 fundraising goals.
joetron2030: Happy to find out my sub to @giant_robot magazine (via GR Foundation) is a lifetime one!
mumbot: Short blog on why I want to help save this great magazine: @giant_robot
thymaihair: Give pls @giant_robot Magazine needs ur help. Tough times in general for print. See video and read text. Thanks!
aeyee: he ‘zine that let the world know how cool it is to be asian & asian pop-culture is needs your help! #fb
dartprogram: DART hearts GR!! RT @giant_robot: The stand (and why Giant Robot needs your help)
pudgym29: @giant_robot magazine needs donations = #Japan
letsugo: my funemployment paid for a donation. how ’bout you? RT@giant_robot: The stand (and why Giant Robot needs your help)
woejilliams: Just put in my $110 to secure another great year@giant_robot Now it’s your turn! for more details on how to help.
pixelvale: A great magazine that I have been reading for almost 15yrs needs help to keep printing. Pass along.
letsugo: Don’t wanna see @giant_robot go under like other print mags as of late. Help spread the word!
DandQ: andQ Without GIANT ROBOT, there won’t be any more REGGIE-12 fighting, um, giant robots!!!!
RoBeastSlaya: Follow Friday follow @giant_robot, subscribe, donate, spread the word!
Chrysaora: @giant_robot Awww! You’re welcome!! Thanks for all those years of repping Asian American culture!
roddovlin: FOLLOW AND SUPPORT @giant_robot !!! SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND BE COOL(ER) TOMORROW #ff #geek #toys#comics #music #asian #nowplaying #tgif
letsugo: @giant_robot thanks & right back atcha! everyone, please follow & support Giant Robot! #FF #FollowFriday
followyourwhim: Support @giant_robot, who made our 2009 tour possible. Read: Donate: @giantroboteric
debaoki: because it bears repeatin’ @comics212 reminds ya that@giant_robot needs you:
gcsf: upport @giant_robot, who made our 2009 tour possible. Read: Donate: @followyourwhim)
FollowKari: Feed the @giant_robot now at or@disgrasian will kick your butt: Really. I heart my GR.
dariane: Took the bus in the rain to the @giant_robot Store on Sawtelle and got some awesome GR merch. Just doing my part to keep it alive!
MLIAsian: #FollowFriday Amazing Asians: @disgrasian @giant_robot@hyphenmagazine @angryasianman @giantroboteric
paperhaus: @Giant_Robot Magazine asks for – and deserves! – your help.
richandcreamy: Huge #followfriday for @giant_robot because if I did not read them in high school I would not be who I am now. #justsayin
samblottE: @giant_robot good luck! & high hopes for more GR =)
wecandoubleyou : @giant_robot Magazine needs our help! please donate to keep asian american pop culture on newstands!
reelpolitik: The folks at @giant_robot need our help! If you know their magazine, you’ll want to step up.
tompappalardo : @giant_robot – always good stuff. Give ‘em some dough. - #print #magazines#illustration #design
jkhwang: Please donate to @giant_robot, they do good things. Even for HI! @HIFF Giant Robot Magazine Needs You:
HIFF: Giant Robot Magazine Needs You:
feistyelle: One of my favorite zines, @giant_robot, is seeking donations to keep doing what it’s doing. Let’s help!
hihicaro: please #rt! i’m selling my junko mizuno to help @giant_robot!! xo
KeriLuna: Long live @giant_robot magazine! Please check out my latest article for the examiner and support Giant Robot!
variancefilms: Hey all- @giant_robot is one of the good guys, and they’re in need of a little boost. Will you help?
strangepuppets: Just donated to support @giant_robot … They need some help! Go here to find out more and support the arts
boygirlparty: please help support fabulous @giant_robot magazine! my friends + a favorite always:
dreamlogicnet: Help out @giant_robot !! One of the most Awesome mags ever. They got us into Puffy AmiYumi!
chrisbettig: @giant_robot magazine needs help! they’ve supported me & my art for years and are amazing friends.. please help: