Sushi in the OC Ushi no hi

Shibucho Sushi might be one of the best places around. Of course a large percentage of you think sushi is all about the fried rolls, or combinations of fish to make one gigantic roll. It is those things now, in a hybrid USA, but there’s also the simple and I’d say, more pure. Sushi Shibucho is one of those places. It’s not too pricey compared to others who load you up with sushi pieces with a variety of sauces and styles, this one gives you sushi that’s clean and simple, and therefore, super rare. Above is a few orders, from Spanish Mackerel, squid, octopus, red snapper, and abalone. Each piece was nothing short of amazing. Shibucho on Yelp.

This is battera. It’s Osaka style boxed sushi. It’s mackerel with a pickled gourd on top. I think this is the best I’ve ever had.

Ushi no hi. Read up on it. That was the actual point of this post. In old times, and with old school folks you actually don’t eat the eel. It’s an animal that you worship in a way. Eels have whiskers and some think it’s a reincarnate of some sort. Here’s a better article.