Scion Easy 10 Los Angeles
BDK. That’s Big Daddy Kane at the Scion Easy 10. It was great to meet him. He’s one of my heroes among many. All of the work put in for two official Scion events! They should make a tour for the films. One observation, it’s weird how some films are hallrakers. It shows, then next thing you know everyone leaves the spot mumbling. Then it’s back in. That’s the cool thing about this program, people can leave in between. I asked BDK, who’s ironically named after Caine from Kung Fu, how about a feature length doc on him. He started laughing in his deep voice.
A dapper Sheldon Candis and Scott Sanders. Sheldon’s the one who told me about Black Dynamite, and it’s ironic that after seeing it and blogging it, I meet the director, Scott Sanders. The funny thing is I saw him going up the escalator while I was going down. Remember both of these dudes names. Sheldon got into a the Directors Lab which is part of the LA Film Festival. It’s quite presitgious. The Dwelling helped!

We passed out mags to the people in line. That’s Brian Tse on the right. They don’t give us enough guest list space!