BJ Penn Vegas
The pics might be out of order, but maybe not in my mind. That’s Dave taking a bite out of a gigantic rib. I didn’t know they come out that large, but then again, it’s a cow and those are big. We’re in Las Vegas. I think by now, we’re at the Palazzo Hotel which is near the Wynn, but I ended up calling it the Nguyen. I went to Vegas for less than a day to see BJ Penn fight in UFC 94. The event was grand and fun, even in the nosebleed seats which were going to be four digit money. Last time I was at the Wynn was Murakami’s event and I had dinner on Steve Wynn. He said an arms length away, and I swear I thought he was made of wax. He was actually pretty cool.
Johnny Bravo, wait that’s not his name… it’s Mickey Avalon. That’s Mylan on the right, peering out of the car. Yes, only limo rides, buffets, and so on. Vegas is a weird place. Some people have great access to everything. I had that for less than a day.

Part of a buffet at the Wynn. People say that it’s the best buffet in vegas. I agree. But of course, you end up overeating and I was in pain for two days. That fat meat thing with pepper on it is bacon. It’s very harsh to your system.