Dirty Hands David Choe Documentary
Got my hands on the David Choe documentary, Dirty Hands, and yes, it’s worth the five year wait. Five years?! At least. That’s how much footage, and editing time that’s gone into this work. I think there’s been a producer or two, and from the earlier trailers until now, this has a very different feel. It went from what seemed like an MTV project perfect for the Real World to now being a lot more fun and real.
Harry Kim puts it together with tons of footage from all over the world. He’s been following David for years. It covers his story from the days before I met him which was in maybe 1997. It’s been a while, and somehow there’s photos and footage from that period of time.
What does this mean for Harry? His technique, choices of edits, how things are arranged, and the bits of filmmaking technique puts him on the map. Yes, you’d think Harry is Dave’s sidekick, but with this you gotta look at him as being a guy who can put together a production, and do a good job with it.
It has drama that goes up and down in different parts of the doc, from going to Africa, to prison, and much more. It contains a ton of interviews and imagery that keeps this pic moving. It’s going to be a hot one and people are going to love this. The thing is, I know David, and what you don’t see and won’t get to know, is fodder for the next doc or story when you talk to him. I won’t give away too much, since you need to get somewhere and see this when it comes out. This is an early sneak peek.