2008 SFIAAFF day 2

This lady is a pretty tough worked at Benkyodo, which is on Sutter across from Hotel Tomo. I’ll talk a bit more about my involvement here at the Hotel when I shoot more pics of it. Coffees are still $1 here. But if you order soup, she’ll stir up the Campbell’s.

Coffee Break at Benkyodo.

The rain came down hard, and the kid who’s silhouette is on the left looked at the counter worked and burped pretty loud.

Mochi section at Benkyodo. I’ll assume they make it here. But do they?

Wings of Defeat. Amazing story, you’ll read about it more later. Nakajima and Ena are cool folks. Risa Morimoto and Linda Hoaglund are the makers.
Brilliante Mendoza has two films in the festival. Foster Child and Slingshot.

Daniel and Cousin Dan. They’re both Dan, but on my phone, I have to modify them, since I don’t know which is which when they call. I’ve talked to both not knowing who’s who. This is actually Korean food at 3am. From the night before. Beef at 3am… of course I get the blame for that one, but “CD” is a true instigator.

Cortney and Janine from GRSF who’s having an art show tonite. Whoa a Zeppelin shirt.

Jimmy Tsai and Jessica Yu who are up here for Ping Pong Playa
Jessica made a lot of films that are pretty cool. In the Realms of the Unreal which was about Henry Darger is one of them. In interviewed them for www.thedirectorschairsite.com on camera. It turns out I’m actually pretty good at it.

www.alivenotdead.com party. Dan gave away a date with me to some unlucky whiner. SF is a rally point for www.alivenotdead.com

Crepe place on 11th. People get drunk and buy crepes

Taro from the SFIAAFF, bites into a turkey crepe. He was in ecstacy

Jacqueline Kim, yes, she was a co-juror last year. She’s handling a veggie crepe.