iphone dump 5 George Takei, Donutman, Little Wings

George Takei talks to me on friday. Weird how I have a photo of it, right? It was fun catching up with George “sulu” Takei and it’s a shame I’m missing him in London by a day, he started making a bunch of plans to be my tour guide for a day, until we realized, we’ll have to catch up back here in LA. George used to live in London, and did pro theater there as well. He’s in England for a Star Trek convention, of course. In this pic he was shooting a get out and vote PSA with Kelly Hu.

Tammy from Donutman. She speaks fast, moves fast, and is hyper and funny at 4am. I wonder if she burns that bright 24-7. She’s a baker, and each baker there does a few things differently. There’s one who makes the apple fritters as big as a tire. I pointed out that her fritters were much smaller. She seems to love donuts and told me that Jim’s been baking and sometimes, admits he forgot how to make a few things. She told me that Jim the Donutman eat 4 donuts a day. Jim told me he has just 1!

Dressed for the occasion. Donutman. At 4am, only a suit and tie will do.
Actually earlier Saelee Oh and I attended a dinner that had gambling. Those photos are on my dead battery camera. I’ll put up a few shots later. Strawberry donuts are actually refreshing. I’m an addict and this is the third time I’ve had it, since it started this season.

Little Wings went on at 1:30a

The funniest parts is when he played while the funky trailers were running. He’d start laughing when they went over the top-which was often. The sad thing is that I remember this movie trailer as a kid. This was at the Silent Movie Theater, post movie screening.