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JC was a good friend and collaborator. We worked together countless of times for various magazine covers, editorials and adverts. He was one of my favorite photographers because he was quick, efficient and good. A talented photographer with no ego and a really nice guy at that, he succumbed to stomach cancer this year and passed recently at the young age of 34. He will truly be missed.
His retrospective book, “Awakening”, is amazing. Bound in plush black velvet, it’s basically a who’s who of Hong Kong stars with everyone from Zhang Ziyi to Chow Yun Fat to 2R all beautifully shot by JC himself. All proceeds from the sale of this book will go to JC’s family who were almost entirely supported by JC and could use the extra cash. As a special offer to my fans, would like to offer the option to buy an autographed edition at no extra cost. Simply click here to purchase or to read more about the book and JC.