Turtle or the Hare?

Today, tons of interviews with possible new advertising person for Giant Robot. Interviewed 6 today. It’s a tough one, since there are a few more I still need to talk to. It’s great to see there’s a lot of talent out there available to work. I sort of wish I could tell you about each one, and what I think their strengths and weaknesses will be for the job. I’m not sure if I’d be entirely right, but I think I’d be close. Basically, what’s better, the slower long term, or the faster short term? That’s always a dilemma. But it’s an exciting time to be on the horizon of a new staffer for the magazine. We don’t have too much turnover at the mag, so this is a rare occasion.

Then, it was talk to the Girl Scouts hour. I was never a Scout, but part of their assignments was to learn about doing your own business, so they came to me. Awesome. I hope they can do it. Michelle Borok was a Girl Scout herself, and it was good for the kids to see a peer.