Derrick Kato

This is Derrick Kato my cousin. He works at Trader Joe's on National Blvd in West LA. He's does the drawings and art for the signs in the shop. Each shop does their own thing and he has this place on lock down. What's that thing he's holding? What's written on his hand? His clock in time? I didn't notice it until after the pics were shot. He has a little spot far in the backroom where he hides and does his thing. I heard he bags groceries too. Derrick's always been a quiet dude, I'll bet he has to talk more here than anywhere else.

Cutting them sausages. This is in the deli meats section obviously. Look at that angry butcher dude eyeing the cutting technique of the goofy kid.

Whoa there, what's going on in this one? Check out that baby and the arched legs. This one is funny.

Dudes checking out a stewardess. Okay, I'll admit we do that. But the cheese sign rocks.

Hilarious. Imagine a pita jumping into a pool of hummus with a broccoli dude in it.

Veggie font deluxe on the left, paper boy telling the world about the organic invasion. D might be right.

This looks normal, a stork with some groceries delivering to a tropical island of TJ. However, there's an octopus in the water. 

I'm guessing this one is his too. It was outside. It might not be, since it's different looking. But longboarder riding in a wave with bags. Nice.

No waves? Read signs. It's a tiki man.