Crafty at JANM

Led by a crafty Saelee Oh, JANM hosted the Giant Robot craft table at the annual Oshogatsu celebration, which is basically a new year's program for kids. Tons of them came, and on the table were craft parts, mostly Saelee's scraps. I took a ton of pics with her camera, so you won't see her in my shots which came later, when she decided to hide. But you can see how it all went. She signed tons of autographs, took a bunch of pics, which I hope we'll see one day, and overall, I'd give it a thumbs up. If you came early, it was free and you could have seen Murakami for free too. One of the benefits of coming to JANM this day.

I dunno what this is, but it's weird.

That's my Saelee bootleg card.

This is OG Saelee

Why is Saelee Taboo? What does this mean? Is it "a sweet taboo" as Sade would say, or is it something else? The tape font led itself to the word taboo... what do you think it means?

I swear it seemed almost like a date. Did they know each other well? Either way, making crafts on a date, smart. Point for dude. At least I hope it was his idea. Sit closer next time. Foot in my mouth if they're cousins or something.

kids and adults had fun making cards.