Awesome journalism. Syringe font? Amazing. Barry Bonds did his thing, broke the 755 mark, that from when I was a little kid thought was impossible. I remember the Hank Aaron baseball cards which I couldn't get, were the most coveted for me. More than Mantle, DiMaggio, Ruth, Pete Rose, George Brett, all of them. The record is now in the hands of Barry Bonds, and guess what? I have his rookie card. It's too bad, I care more about the graphics of the NY Post than Bonds, the record, or even the controversy. I also no longer care about the Hank Aaron card as well. He's now number 2, soon to be number three when A-Rod does his thing in a number of years. But don't forget the number you should care about?


That's the real number. As the Beastie Boys said in "Hey Ladies", "And I've got more hits than Sadaharu Oh." It should be homers, but oh well, they're close enough.